Seybold Report Journal
ISSN: 1533 – 9211
Interdisciplinary research journal in the fields of Business, Management, Entrepreneurship, Law, Computer Science & Engineering, Agriculture & its allied fields, and Economic sciences.
Seybold Report Journal is a leading American-based Trade, Business and Engineering publication for interdisciplinary research in the fields of Business, Management, Physical Education, Medical and Medicine, Health sciences and Nursing. Entrepreneurship, Law, Religious Education, Bio-Tech, Animal science, Computer Sciences & Engineering, Agriculture & its allied fields and Economic sciences. The journal publishes and disseminates high-quality academic articles that contribute to the better understanding of the interaction between economic, environmental, and social perspectives as applicable to the broader management sciences along with a blend of Computers and Engineering Subjects.
Aim and Scope
Seybold Report is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal intended for empirical and theoretical research on Business, Management and Accounting, Marketing, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Religious studies, Physical education, Economics, Bio-Tech, Medical sciences, Psychology, Philosophy and Arts, Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Law, International trade, Engineering, Agriculture & its allied fields and Media Technology. Its objective is to provide a forum for the scholarly exchange of research findings in, and significant empirical, conceptual, or theoretical contributions to the field.
The primary audience of Seybold Report Journal comprises academics, practitioners and all others interested in international emerging research. The Journal welcomes contributions from researchers in academia as well as practitioners.
Publication Frequency
10 Issues / Year
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Indexing and Abstracting in any Database depend on the Database Service provider’s rules and agreement. Seybold Report is SCOPUS Indexed journal.
Jonathan D. March
Associate Professor of Economics and James S. Kemper Foundation Faculty Scholar
Neil G. Francis
Associate Professor of Accounting, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Associate Editor
William. S. Jingle
Texas A&M International University
Editorial Advisory Board
Javed Bur | University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, WI |
Wodron Ivan. | University of Strathclyde – UK |
Zhing li ching | Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA |
Joun Brick | University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA |
Bob Wolmer | American University – USA |
Maurien Zendeio | University of Surrey – UK |
Alex Harry | Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia |
Richard Cambel | Thompson Rivers University – Canada |
Weinman Burok | University of New South Wales – Australia |
Denial Samith | NS University, USA |
Martin Guptil | Columbia University, New York, New York, United States of America |
Arnold Russle | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America |
Andrés Ramposh | University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States of America |