Aesthetic Elements of Post-Disaster Modular Houses: Study of Architectural and Non-Architectural Student Preferences
Basuki, Johanes Bonivasius Muda, Yohana Nursruwening, Natasia Anggi Laxmita
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1088 Page: 194-216 Vol: 18 Issue: 10 Year: 2023
Indonesia is a region prone to earthquake disasters. Aesthetic development in post-disaster modular houses is needed not only to produce housing that is quickly produced, efficient, but also promotes psychological and sustainable well-being. The aesthetics of a home is not only related to a touch of art, but can also come from a touch of technological simplicity. Aesthetic perceptions can be different which can be influenced by information, knowledge and experience regarding aesthetics. Aesthetic perceptions can differ between individuals with a background in art, design and architecture compared to individuals with backgrounds outside of art, design and architecture. This research aims to: (1) develop a measurement model for the aesthetic elements of post-disaster modular houses, (2) compare measurement models based on the preferences of architectural and non-architectural students. The model for measuring the aesthetic elements of post-disaster modular houses was developed theoretically from previous research in consultation with practitioners and academics. Furthermore, the measurement model was evaluated on a limited basis on subjects with different knowledge and experience of art and, design and architecture. The research results found that the aesthetic elements of post- disaster modular houses consist of elements: assembled structure, connection joints, texture, symmetry, windows scale. The aesthetic elements of post-disaster modular homes do not differ between individuals with a background in art, design and architecture compared to individuals with backgrounds outside of art, design and architecture. The implication of this research is to provide a model for measuring the aesthetic elements of post-disaster modular houses.
Modular house, Aesthetic elements, State Preference
Received: 16 November 2023
Accepted: 12 December 2023
Published: 21 December 2023