BENNANI Fatima Zahra, DAKKAK Badr, DINAR Brahim, BENJOUID Zakaria
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1409 Page: 04-22 Vol: 19 Issue: 05 Year: 2024
Technology transfer is a process that involves transferring a set of knowledge and practices from one entity to another. This process can be facilitated through various means, such as multinational corporations (MNCs). In this context, this paper dissects technology transfer by multinational corporations in the Moroccan context. It presents a conceptual model of technology transfer based on a number of hypotheses established through a contextualization study. Four variables have been identified: Direct and indirect links, technological capability, absorptive capacity, and sector structure. Additionally, each variable has been broken down into several sub-variables. Thus, the model variables have been derived and theoretically justified, based on the previous research works of several authors in the field of technology transfer by MNCs. Each variable has been defined and presented in detail. Thus, the proposed conceptual model constitutes the backbone of any future work on evaluating the impact of technology transfer by multinational corporations. It can be utilized to conduct such studies in any sector of activity.
Technology transfer; Multinational corporations; FDI; Conceptual model; Moroccan industry.
Received: 10 April 2024
Accepted: 22 April 2024
Published: 02 May 2024