Boniran, Sri Setyaningsih, Dian Wulandari
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1703 Page: 24-55 Vol: 19 Issue: 07 Year: 2024
This research aims to find strategies and ways to increase the professional commitment of lecturers at Buddhist Colleges (STAB) through strengthening the variables of visionary leadership and organizational culture, as independent variables and the variables of work motivation and job satisfaction as intervening variables. The population in the study were all permanent lecturers from the College of Buddhism (STAB), consisting of 398 lecturers. Based on the population size of 398 lecturers, the number of representative research samples is 200 people. The sampling technique in this research uses a proportional random sampling technique, namely a method of collecting data by taking the population proportionally to be used as a sample. Data analysis uses path analysis and SITOREM analysis.
The results of the research show that there is a significant positive direct influence between visionary leadership, work motivation, and job satisfaction on professional commitment and there is a significant positive direct influence between visionary leadership (X1) on work motivation (Z1) with βx1z1 = 0.464, visionary leadership, culture organization on work motivation. There is a significant positive direct influence between visionary leadership, organizational culture, and increasing job satisfaction. There is a significant positive indirect influence between visionary leadership, organizational culture, and professional commitment through work motivation. There is a significant positive indirect effect between visionary leadership on professional commitment through satisfaction. There is a significant positive indirect effect between organizational culture on professional commitment through satisfaction. This research finds strategies and ways to increase lecturers’ professional commitment by identifying the strength of influence between research variables.
visionary leadership, organizational culture, work motivation, job satisfaction, professional commitment
Received: 22 March 2024
Accepted: 13 June 2024
Published: 08 July 2024