The Influence of Improper Diet on Athletic Performance: A Case Study of Addis Ababa University Athletes
Dafla Kifle Ibsa, Dr. A. Pallavi
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1090 Page: 235-252 Vol: 18 Issue: 10 Year: 2023
The study’s goal was to find out how an improper diet affected the players’ performance in the context of the Addis Ababa University sports club. Fifteen athletes and one coach participated in the study, with data obtained through questionnaires and interviews with sixteen respondents serving as the primary data source. The study’s design was both qualitative and quantitative, and the descriptive approach was used. A simple percentage was used to organize, evaluate, and interpret the data that were gathered. The study’s key findings are significant, and the researchers noted that athletes have poor eating habits because they consume less in the way of both quality and quantity of food. Athletes need to receive more support from the relevant bodies, and athletes’ dietary needs are not evaluated. The results showed that poor eating habits or inadequate food supply have a detrimental impact on performance. Because of the inefficiency of the food’s quality and amount, athletes’ need assessments to determine the positive and negative effects on their performance must be overcome. Based on the results, the study’s recommendations were made: management should steer clear of issues related to eating habits, emphasize to athletes the importance of consuming a balanced diet, and regularly improve the quality and amount of food items.
Athletics, Performance, proper Nutrition, Diet
Received: 22 November 2023
Accepted: 18 December 2023
Published: 26 December 2023