
The Adoption of ICT Tools for Collaborative Learning Among Students in Kenyan Higher Education Institutions


Dr. Misava Ombajo Edward, Dr Muraina Kamilu Olanrewaju

DOI10.5110/77. 1705               Page:   71-95         Vol: 19    Issue: 07  Year: 2024

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Technology use for communication and information has had a huge impact on the dynamics of the learning and teaching process, providing value and making it more accessible. The purpose of this research is to assess the potential of ICT technologies in facilitating collaborative learning among students in Kenyan higher education institutions. The integration of ICT has revolutionized the educational landscape, giving rise to novel methodologies and approaches that bear influence on the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation. Collaborative learning, once a traditional approach, has been enhanced through ICT utilization. Institutions have invested significantly in acquiring ICT tools, which are nurturing the cultivation of survival skills relevant to the 21st century in students. Collaboration, a key survival skill, now extends beyond working with peers and encompasses virtual team meetings facilitated by ICT. The study is informed by Vygotsky’s theory of social-cultural learning and Roger’s diffusion of innovations theory. A mixed research design with a concurrent triangulation approach was employed, involving both quantitative and qualitative data collection. The study population comprised Deans and students. Purposive sampling and multi-stage sampling techniques were used to select 204 students and 10 deans respectively as participants. The study was guided by four major research questions with six associated hypotheses. Data was collected using self developed questionnaires and interviews, and data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means, t-tests, and thematic analysis. According to the findings, many ICT technologies, including cellphones, computers, whiteboards, emails, and virtual learning environments, have been substantially integrated into the instructional process in Kenya’s higher education institutions. Other technologies, such as iPads, tablets, and mind-mapping software, are underused. On a five-point Likert scale, the use of ICT tools for teaching and learning was somewhat above average, with a mean score of 3.408. The study provided evidence of successful collaborative learning in higher education institutions. Nonetheless, challenges persist in using ICT for collaborative learning, encompassing technical, organizational, and pedagogical aspects. The study recommends that instructors have ongoing professional pedagogical assistance, that there be a fundamental change in learning design and execution to maximize current ICT resources and possibilities, and that both female and male students receive improved help in using ICT tools for collaborative learning.


Collaborative learning, ICT, Higher Education and Teaching

Received: 02 July 2024

Accepted: 16 July 2024

Published: 22 July 2024