Wan Khalik Wan Muhammad, Rusdi Omar, Kamarul Azman Khamis
DOI: 10.5110/77. 1121 Page: 57-72 Vol: 19 Issue: 03 Year: 2024
This paper studied whether social media, traditional media, and online news portals and blogs on politics may directly influence voter decision-making during the 2016 State Election and 2018 General Election in Sarawak. Economic development is a mediating factor that has an indirect influence on voter decision-making. The study population was among 21 aged and above during the 2016 general election and 2018 general election. This study used the strata sampling technique. The procedure for obtaining the survey data involved 480 respondents for the quantitative method and 10 for the qualitative method. 480 respondents were randomly selected in 8 state assemblies for the state of Sarawak. The review looked at the literature relating to the type of media to understand it role in term of their results on the process of election. It considers the impact of media on Sarawak society in terms of political implications. Voting in elections is very important in the political system of a democratic country. This can lead to the results of voting among the Sarawak’s people.
Social media, Traditional Media, Voting, Economic development, Election
Received: 19 February 2024
Accepted: 28 February 2024
Published: 07 March 2024